Fall Has Arrived…
The fall leaves are turning warm colors as the temperatures cool the air…one of my favorite time of the year. The creative juices are...
Artists @ Work
Artists@Work Studio and Gallery joins a growing number of "working artists" studios in Brevard, including Art Works, Aura Studio &...
Autumn Colors
Check out this blog
Art Bazaar
The Art show was amazing we had some really talented artists. Despite the terrible weather the turn out and support was humbling.
Pigments Of Your Imagination
Pigments: Pigment is a substance used as a coloring, Silk Dye pigment imparts rich intense color to bind with the fabric....
Pigments Of Your Imagination
I will be participating in the"Pigments Of Your Imagination"exibition at the Transylvania Ats Community Council. Please stop in to meet...
Holiday Silk & Velvet Scarves
Drape one of these divine scarves across your shoulders and you'll feel like you're modeling a priceless piece of art. The Beautiful...
Right Brain Drawing
Our first Right Brain Drawing Class went really well. The class was full of left brainers, but by the end of the class their left brain...
Right Brain Drawing
Learning To Draw Realistic drawing is the drawing of perceived image and form. The right side of the brain engages the visual system to...
Silk Painting Class Coming Up
Welcome to Intermediate Silk Painting Level 1 You have begun a fascinating journey in the art of silk painting and completed the...